GCE Research: Thermal Imaging for Rockfall Detection

Thermal Imaging for Rockfall Detection

The Thermal Imaging for Rockfall Detection project is a multi-year study funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) focused on using off-the-shelf thermal cameras to monitor for hazardous rockfall events in open pit mines. 

Phase One

In Phase 1 of the project, the GCE proved the utility of using thermal cameras for detecting rockfalls using their Mobile Monitoring Platform (MMP) trailer. Equipped with up to four different thermal cameras at a time, the MMP was deployed to 8 open pit mines across western North America and collected over 45,000 hours of thermal video for rockfall analysis. 

Phase Two

Phase 2 of the project has yielded a preliminary automated rockfall detection algorithm that can successfully detect, track, and alarm for rockfalls observed on thermal video in real time. In addition, a prototype standalone thermal rockfall detection system, consisting of a single tripod-mounted thermal camera, was developed that can be deployed by a single person in a matter of minutes. 

The Thermal Imaging for Rockfall Detection project marks a major step change in the advancement of a real-time rockfall monitoring solution for keeping miners safe and infrastructure secure.


Development of a Prototype Thermal Imaging Rockfall Detection System.
Potter, J., Meyer, B., Ross, B., McNabb, J., Keefner, J., Williams, C., Brown, L., Prescott, B., Cabrejo, A. (2024, June). Development of a prototype thermal imaging rockfall detection system [Paper presentation]. 58th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2024, Golden, Colorado. 

Rockfalls as Precursory Strain Indicators Leading to a Large Slope Failure (‘Leo Failure’) at Bingham Canyon Mine, USA.
Schafer, K.W., Bakken, K.M., Ergun, S., Potter, J., Ross, B.J., Telfer, J.A., Williams, C.P. (2023, November). Rockfalls as precursory strain indicators leading to a large slope failure (‘Leo Failure’) at Bingham Canyon Mine, USA [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Slope Stability in Mining (SSIM) Conference 2023, Perth, Australia.

Thermal Imaging Analysis of Rockfalls Leading to Slope Failures at an Open-Pit Mine.
Schafer, K.W., Wellman, E.C., Noonan, G.E., Ross, B.J., Williams, C.P., Bakken, K., Abrahams, G., Hicks, D. (2022, October). Thermal imaging analysis of rockfalls leading to slope failures at an open-pit mine [Paper presentation]. International Slope Stability Symposium 2022, Tucson, Arizona.

Comparison of Doppler Radar to Thermal Infrared Rockfall Detection.
Prescott, B., Wellman, E.C., Ross, B.J., Potter, J., Williams, C.P., Davidson, J., Nielsen, R. (2022, October). Comparison of Doppler radar to thermal infrared rockfall detection [Paper presentation]. International Slope Stability Symposium 2022, Tucson, Arizona.
