Advancing Responsible Mining & Sustainable Mineral Resources
Grants & Funding Opportunities
Mineral Resources Research & Innovation Initiative
The School of Mining & Mineral Resources Research and Innovation Initiative ("R&I grants") provides both seed funding and strategic grants for research and education related to significant or interdisciplinary problems in mineral resources. University of Arizona faculty and staff are eligible to apply for these funds.
The program supports initiatives that align with the School's mission to transform the way students, professionals, and communities work across boundaries to meet the complex challenges of economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable mineral resources.
Supported projects represent the scope of mineral resources from their natural occurrence to circular economy development, including the entire mining life cycle and associated technical, economic, social, and environmental aspects, such as public health, policy, law, supply chain security, and sustainability.
For more information about the program, contact Jodi Banta at
(FY23 grant cycle is now closed)
Research Supported by SMMR Grants

Alicja Babst-Kostecka
Department of Environmental Science (ENVS)
CESM Repurposing mine waste strategic innovation: Identification of metal-hyperaccumulating plants as polymetallic systems for ecocatalysis

Flurin Babst
School of Natural Resources and the Environment (SNRE)
Towards monetizing the climate benefits of mine site revegetation: assessing the carbon sink capacity of woody biomass on mining-impacted lands

Mark Barton
Geosciences Department (GEO)
Advancing UArizona Mineral Resources and Gem Science Analytical Capabilities via Laser Ablation ICP-MS

Isabel Barton
Department of Mining and Geological Engineering (MGE)
Matching Funds for R&D Consortium on Hyperspectral Sensors for Mining

Leonard Brown
School of Information (iSchool)/ College of Public Health
Toward a smarter safety management system using data analytics: A multi-factor predictive model to improve miner health and safety outcomes

Hannah Budinoff
Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering (SIE)
Translating sustainability metrics into engineering decisions: Exploring strategies for sustainable material use in design and manufacturing

Jon Chorover
Department of Environmental Science (ENVS)
Measurement and modeling of sulfide tailings diagenesis in controlled experimentation: Implications for mine waste remediation

Minkyu Kim
Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME)
Bioinspired Green Glycolipids as Fugitive Mining Dust Mitigation Agents

Pedro Lopez
Department Mining & Geological Engineering (MGE)
Hazard Recognition in underground mines applications- HUMApp application

Raina Maier
Department of Environmental Science (ENVS)
Separation and Recovery of Energy-Critical Metals from Aqueous Sources by a Selective Sorption Technology Platform

Calvin Mako
Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS)
Geochronology of REE-bearing Proterozoic pegmatites in AZ

Ananya Mallik
Department of Geosciences (GEO)
GemHub: One-stop destination for geochemical proxies of gemstone provenance at the University of Arizona

Julia Neilson
Department of Environmental Science (ENVS)
Center for Environmentally Sustainable Mining Strategic Development

Gillian Noonan
Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences (HAS)
Bridging the Gap: Arizona and Our Resources

Aikseng Ooi
University of Arizona Cancer Center
Data Integration and Management for Mining

David Poirier
Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
Improving Wear Resistance of Liner Castings Used in Ball Mills

Monica Ramirez-Andreotta
Department of Environmental Science (ENVS)
Community Science and Data Integration: Integrating and Visualizing Vulnerabilities and Resiliencies in Rural Mining Communities

Hervé Rezeau
Department of Geosciences (GEO)
Digitization of ores collection and a virtual ore petrography platform

Carson Richardson
Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS)
Filling the Gaps in the Mineral Resources of Pinal County, Arizona

Nathalie Risso
Department of Mining and Geological Engineering (MGE)
Camera Aided Technology for Underground Mine Safety (CAT-UMS)

Victor Tenorio
Department of Mining and Geological Engineering (MGE)
Active Learning in Mining: Using Robotics to prepare the next generation of Digital Miners

Jinhong Zhang
Department of Mining and Geological Engineering (MGE)
An investigation of Acid Mist Formation and Suppression Mechanisms in Copper Electrowinning Plants

Lianyang Zhang
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics (CAEM)
Accelerated mineral carbonation for acid mine drainage treatment, mine tailings stabilization and carbon dioxide sequestration