Principal Investigator (PI): Mark Barton, Lowell Institute of Mineral Resources (LIMR)
Partners: Isabel Barton, Mining & Geological Engineering (MGE); Ananya Mallik, Dept of Geosciences (GEOS); Hervé Rezeau, GEOS; David Killick, School of Anthropology (ANTH); Jen McIntosh, Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences (HAS); Tom Meixner, HAS; Jon Chorover, Dept of Environmental Science (ENVS); Joaquin Ruiz, GEOS; Frank Mazdab, GEOS
The purpose of this grant is the advancement of UArizona mineral and gem science analytical capabilities through development of an interdisciplinary lab and new analytical techniques made possible by new equipment. Development of the joint “Mineral Characterization Facility” includes a new femtosecond laser, the first of its kind for minerals applications in U.S.
Other acquisitions include a Nu Plasma ICP-MC-MS, a renovated Gould-Simpson 114 with two lasers, plus three ICP-MS with different capabilities, and new Micro Raman microscopes. The lab has been fully renovated and used for several SMMR projects and other sponsored research, and has formed the basis for $2M+ in new proposals to industry and National Science Foundation (NSF) grant requests.
Beyond the multiple ICP-MS, LA, Raman, and varied petrographic microscopes, the lab has SEM-EDS-CL, VNIR-SWIR, fluid inclusion stages, and related equipment. Next steps in this project include ongoing technique development and multiple projects in-pipeline.