
Katrin Steinthorsdottir
Carbfix is a technology that captures and stores carbon dioxide underground in rocks. The method imitates and accelerates natural processes. CO2 is dissolved in water, injected into the subsurface where it interacts and reacts with favourable rock formations, such as basalts, to form stable minerals in about 2 years that are safe and permanent. For the Carbfix method to work, three requirements are needed; favourable rocks, water and a source of CO2.
Katrin Steinthorsdottir (she/her) is a geologist at Carbfix and doing her PhD on carbon mineralization at the University of British Columbia (UBC). She acquired her MSc at UBC on serpentinization and implications for carbon mineralization and nickel mining. Before moving to Canada, Katrin completed her BSc from the University of Iceland with an exchange year at the University of Bern, Switzerland, and worked on volcano monitoring in Mexico.
This lecture is part of the Lundin-Snider Seminar Series. A recording is available.