Why declare a minor in Sustainable Mineral Resources? Here’s why Alma Reasoner did

The University of Arizona’s School of Mining and Mineral Resource has created a multifaceted undergraduate minor focusing on sustainable mineral resources. The Sustainable Mineral Resources minor highlights the interconnected issues surrounding the production and use of non-renewable mineral resources and is open to students from any major or discipline. Students enrolled in the minor also have an opportunity to earn a $2,000 scholarship.
Alma Elizabeth Reasoner is a UA student majoring in Geosciences and minoring in Sustainable Mineral Resources. Here’s what she had to say when applying for the minor in her scholarship essay:
“My profound interest in pursuing a career in the mining industry is deeply rooted in my upbringing. I come from El Salvador, where mining encountered significant opposition, ultimately leading to a nationwide ban in 2017 due to environmental concerns and conservation efforts. Growing up in this environment, I witnessed firsthand the challenges of mining and its potential to contribute to economic development when managed responsibly. This exposure ignited my desire to comprehend Earth’s geological processes, driving me to pursue a major in Geosciences. Seeking the best education possible, I intentionally transferred to the University of Arizona, renowned for its top-ranked geosciences program, to gain the expertise needed to make meaningful contributions to the mining industry. During my internship as an underground geologist, I gained hands-on experience in mining operations. This dynamic environment allowed me to apply classroom knowledge to real-world projects, aiding mine planning and development. Exposure to practical data and decision-making reinforced my mining career goals and the need for sustainability. I recognized how crucial it is for mining to evolve to minimize environmental disruption while meeting society’s demand for minerals.”
“With my minor in Sustainable Mineral Resources, I am committed to integrating sustainability into mining, focusing on reducing the environmental impact of extraction and ensuring resource availability. Sustainability in mining encompasses the economic, social, and environmental challenges associated with resource extraction. Economically, mining is pivotal in
providing the raw materials for industries such as technology, construction, and renewable energy. However, these resources must be extracted efficiently to ensure long-term viability, minimizing waste and energy consumption. By prioritizing economic sustainability, we can maintain the health of mining operations and ensure their continued contribution to global industries. Socially, sustainable mining practices have the potential to create stronger, more transparent relationships with local communities, as well as mitigate the negative impacts of extraction activities. Promoting ethical and responsible mining not only helps reduce environmental damage but also ensures that the benefits of resource extraction are distributed relatively among stakeholders, including local populations.”
“As a Latina in mining, I see diversity as vital for sustainability. Diverse perspectives drive innovation, ethical decisions, and creative problem-solving—key to addressing today’s industry challenges. Including individuals from varied cultural, academic, and gender backgrounds improves adaptation to societal and environmental changes. Moreover, a broader range of voices in decision-making builds community trust, ensuring mining is socially responsible and economically sound. I am dedicated to fostering inclusivity and promoting diversity, believing it leads to more resilient and sustainable industry practices. Ultimately, sustainability is about more than just minimizing environmental impacts—it is about ensuring that mining continues to provide essential resources for future generations. My vision for the industry is that advanced geoscientific techniques, sustainable practices, and inclusive policies are seamlessly integrated into every aspect of mining operations. I am driven to contribute to this vision through my education and future career, helping to build an economically and environmentally sound mining industry that is both economically and environmentally sound and socially equitable and just.”