MIN236: Materials, Societies & Choices

stock mine truck

MIN236: Materials, Societies & Choices

MIN236 • GEOS236 • MSE236 • HWRS236

Societies use earth materials like minerals, renewable resources, and water in complex ways

This course explores decision-making in the context of earth materials and the challenges that arise from the many needs and perspectives of diverse stakeholders. Presentations & discussion are combined with workshops that introduce and apply decision science to the issues of meeting resource needs in the most environmentally sustainable, equitable, and affordable ways possible

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Tuesdays & Thursdays 11 am - 12:15 pm

Psychology Room 307

Gen Ed: 

• Exploring Perspectives: Natural Scientist 

• Quantitative Reasoning 

• Diversity & Equity: US Context

Questions? Contact Andrew Wessman at wessman@arizona.edu


Slope image

$2,000 Scholarships for students from any major! Declare Sustainable Mineral Resources as your minor

Collage of Greatness Ojum, student in front of Giant truck tire and at a mine
"Two quotes I'd love to leave with you is, 'Do what you love and love what you do' and 'Rock bottom is the perfection foundation for building' Getting a college degree is not easy at all. A scholarship is one of those things that can encourage us to be on our way to do what we love. 
Secondly, please do not be discouraged, keep showing up and applying because one day you'll look back and smile at your little beginning."
Greatness Ojum

Contact Us

Mario Muñoz picture


Mario Muñoz

Email: mariomunoz@arizona.edu


Suzanne Madrigal picture



Suzanne Madrigal

Email: suzannemadrigal@arizona.edu