Geochronology of Ree-Bearing Pegmatites
- Principal Investigator (PI): Calvin Mako, Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS)
- Partner: Carson Richardson (AZGS)
Pegmatites are currently being explored in Arizona as potential sources of Rare Earth Elements (REE), Li, and other critical elements. The age and genesis of a large belt of pegmatites in Arizona is poorly understood. The goal of this project is to determine the age(s) of these pegmatites to aid in exploration and to better understand their origin.
Principal outcomes of this project are analyzing the age and tectonic setting of the Arizona pegmatite belt, and understanding if Arizona’s pegmatites have a common genetic style or geochemical affinity. We further seek to understand how Arizona’s pegmatites relate to known resources outside of Arizona. Answering these questions will broadly affect pegmatite exploration strategies.
Sample collection and mineral separation are completed, with imaging and identification in progress. Geochemical and data analysis are underway, with publication and further work being planned.