Mines for Limitless Minds 2022

Mines for limitless Minds


10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Nov. 15, 2022
The Mall

A first-of-its-kind event to show students from many different disciplines how they can be part of the solution to an important problem through a wide range of exciting career paths

image gallery

From rocks to rockets

Discover Mineral Resources

  • See the latest electric vehicle and the minerals that make it.
  • Explore the minerals life cycle: from the birth of a rock through to recycling!
  • An interactive map of where to find gold, copper and gems in Arizona.
  • From rocks to rockets: the raw material for rocket parts and a 3-D printing!
Revolutionize technology with us

Mining & Technology

  • How to turn former waste piles into metal.
  • 3-D software that makes each blast smarter than the last.
  • UArizona-developed apps and gaming software that protect worker safety.
  • Space mining robots...?
Build a sustainable future with us

Mining & Sustainability

  • What Arizona’s mines do to protect biodiversity and meet net zero targets.
  • How to incorporate Native American traditional ecological knowledge into environment and social impact assessments to protect what matters most.
  • Look at revegetation research with the Center for Environmentally Sustainable Mining.
Go on the world's most important treasure hunt

Exploration & Entrepreneurship

  • What it’s like to explore the far corners of Earth for the next big mineral discovery.
  • A glimpse into the Alfie Norville Gem & Mineral Museum.
  • What it’s like to raise billions of dollars to develop a mine.
Mines for limitless Minds

Career Hub & Student Life

  • Meet UArizona’s mining, minerals and sustainability clubs
  • Resume reviews and job interview tips from pros
  • School of Mining & Mineral Resources scholarship recipients (and how you can get one, too).

What's it like to drive a 2-story truck?

haul truck simulator

What’s a mile beneath your feet?

core shack

What minerals are in an EV, and where in the world do they come from?

Chevrolet Bolt

How can you tell when a mountain is moving? (and yes, they do move!)

LiDAR monitor

Come find out!

Industry exhibitors:

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality



Cactus Mine

Canary Systems *

Florence Copper *

Freeport McMoRan *

General Motors

Ground Probe *

Hexagon Mining *

Hudbay *

Lundin Group

Resolution Copper *

Weir Minerals *

Westland Resources *

* We're hiring

Live Podcast

with Adam Hawkins, one of the leading practitioners in defining social, political, regulatory, and reputational risk for mining companies, explorationists, and mining financiers.  Watch him live

Adam Hawkins

Adam Hawkins


e-waste collection

In partnership with Students for Sustainability

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